My people were fair and wore sky in their hair  Acrylic on canvas  50 × 38  $7500
 Acrylic on canvas  70 × 48  $12,000
 Acrylic on canvas  30 × 30  $3500
 Leave them: they carry the souls  Acrylic on canvas  45 × 45  $5400
 As it was in the beginning  Acrylic on canvas  40 × 40  $4800
 Acrylic on canvas  24 × 18  $1400
 Acrylic on canvas  24 × 18  $1200
 As above, so below  Acrylic on canvas  $2400
 Acrylic on cancas  5 panels - 20 × 37   $1500
 Acrylic on canvas  16 × 20  $900
 Acrylic and ink on canvas  18 × 18  $1100
 Acrylic on canvas  18 × 18  $750
 Colored pencil on paper  14 × 11  $650
 Colored pencil on paper  8.25 × 8.5  $540
 Happily ever after  Colored pencil on paper  8 × 8  $540
 Colored pencil on paper  10 × 13  $750
 Colored pencil and ink on paper  8.5 × 11  $750
 Colored pencil and ink on paper  8.5 × 11  $1000 - unframed
 Colored pencil and ink on paper  8.5 × 11  $500 unframed
 Colored pencil and ink on paper  11 × 8.5  $500 unframed
 Ink and marker on paper  6 × 8  $500 unframed
 Ink on paper  8.5 × 11  $250 unframed
 Acrylic on gessoed paper  23 × 20  $1000 - unframed
 Acrylic and ink on paper  28 × 23  $750 - unframed
 Acrylic on panel  48 × 48  $4680
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